2023-05-10 01:49  浏览:37





1.At this moment, in different places of the world, people are doing different things.此刻,在世界上不同地方的人们正在做着不同的事情。(1)at this moment=at the moment=right now=now 此刻;目前(2)in different places 在不同的地方(3)do different things做不同的事情

2.In London, it's five o'clock in the afternoon and people are leaving work and are going home.伦敦现在是下午5点,大家正下班往家赶。(1)in the afternoon 在下午(2)leave work and go home 下班回家

3.They're waiting for buses or trains.人们在等着公交车或火车。wait for buses等公交车

4.Some people are driving home.有些人正开车回家。drive home 开车回家

5.Some are getting off buses or trains. get off 下(飞机,火车,公交车等),用于大型交通工具,反义词为get on 上(飞机,火车,公交车等)

6.Some are having afternoon tea at home or having a drink.有些人在家喝着下午茶,有些人喝着酒。(1)have afternoon tea喝下午茶(2)at home在家 (3)have a drink喝酒

7.They are having dinner at home or in restaurants.他们正在家里或餐馆里吃晚饭。(1)have dinner at home在家吃晚饭(2)in restaurants在饭店

8.Some are going to the theatre or watching a film.有些人正要去剧院或看电影。(1)go to the theatre 去剧院(2)watch a film=see a film/movie看电影

9.Some are watching television or playing games at home.有些人正在家里看电视或玩游戏。(1)watch television看电视(2)play games 玩游戏

10.In Beijing, it's one o'clock at night, so people aren't having dinner. 北京现在是凌晨1点,所以没人在吃晚饭。at night 在晚上

11.Some people are still working and some are going home from work.有些人仍在工作,有些人正下班回家。go home from work=leave work and go home下班回家

12.Children are starting their lessons.孩子们正开始上课。start lessons开始上课

13.Some are seeing friends, calling home or shopping.一些人在和朋友见面、给家里打电话或购物。(1)see friends 看望朋友(2)call home 给家里打电话

14.Thank you for your postcard from the Great Wall.谢谢你来自长城的明信片。Thank you for 名词/代词/动名词,因为......而感谢你。Thank you for helping me./Thank you for your help.

15.We're in front of a cinema in Hollywood and I'm writing this postcard to you.我们现在在好莱坞一座电影院前,我在给你写这个明信片。(1)in front of...在......前面,表示在某一范围以外的前面;(2)write sth.to sb.=write sb.sth.给某人写......

16.We're looking at the homes of the movie stars.我们正在参观电影明星的家。(1)look at=have/take a look at...看一看......(2)movie stars 电影明星

17.See you next week.下周见。(1)see you 再见(2)next week下周
